Where You Shouldn’t Place Holiday Lights

When you start decorating for the holidays, what’s the first thing you usually grab? If you’re like most people, it’s your holiday lights! But don’t go tossing strands wherever you want. In order to prevent any electric issues or fires, you need to be aware of the places you shouldn’t place holiday lights.


Well, some of them. Not all holiday lights are meant to be used outside. Whether it’s because of the kind wiring or the type of bulbs used for those lights, hanging them up outside can risk electrocution or fire. Check your lights to ensure they’re safe for outdoor use. If they’re not, use them to decorate inside.

On Flammable Trees

Most artificial trees are designed to be non-flammable nowadays, but if you have an older tree, it may be susceptible to catching fire if holiday lightbulbs cause it to get too hot. Replace any older, artificial trees with a newer, non-flammable one before hanging lights on it.

Your real tree could also be flammable if you don’t keep it well-watered. Dry trees are the most common cause for holiday-related fires. If you don’t think you can keep your tree hydrated, don’t hang any lights on it.

On Fabrics

We often see some people lay lights across a fabric table runner, but that’s rarely wise. The bulbs on your holiday lights get hot, and if they create too much heat against your fabric or any other nearby flammable items, they could start a fire. It’s best to keep lights a foot or two away from any fabrics.


With 24 years of experience, TFC Electric Inc. can help you keep all the members of your family safe from electrical harm. Since 1994, we have been serving Suffolk County with any and all electrical needs. Call us today at 631-589-2800 for more information.

December 7, 2018