
What to Do During a Power Outage


Summer on Long Island means beach days, BBQ’s and bonfires, but it also means hurricane season. We don’t want to put a damper on your summer fun, but you can never be too prepared. Though a backup generator, is a useful investment, it might not always be an option and an unexpected power outage can occur. So when a hurricane hits, you’ll want to be prepared and here are some simple tips you can follow to keep your power outage accident free:

Stock Up

Before the start of a storm, you’ll always want to stock up your pantry. Stock up on water, canned food, and batteries. Don’t forget to keep the fridge and freezer closed as much as possible to keep the cold air in and prevent spoiled food. Another thing to always keep in the house, cash. If power is out there’s a chance ATM’s are too, and if you need to buy more supplies, you’ll be out of luck so having a few dollars around can be a lifesaver. 

Stay Indoors

Being forced to stay indoors can be rough, but when a hurricane strikes, it’s your best move.  Trees and power lines could be down making the roads unsafe. Beyond that, street lights could also be affected. So if you have to leave your home, make it minimal.     

Use a Flashlight Instead of Candles

Now that you have stocked up on batteries put them to use! Beyond making fun shadow puppets, a flashlight is safer and more versatile than candles. Besides — candles can easily be knocked over causing a fire.

Check Electrical Equipment

Once the power goes out, you’ll want to go unplugged. If everything is plugged in when the power comes back, a surge or spike can do significant damage, so go around and turn off and unplug any equipment or appliances. You’ll also want to leave one light on to let you know that the power has come back.


If you have seen the light, and want to invest in a generator, the experts at TFC Electric offers standby generator sales, installations, and repair services to Suffolk County, Long Island. Contact us online to get started with a free estimate, or call (703) 938-0550.

July 19, 2017