How to Get Rid of Electronics Safely
Technology has changed a lot over the past few decades, and that’s showing no signs of slowing. When you decide to upgrade your computer, TV, or other device, you shouldn’t just toss the old system out onto the curb — electronics need to be disposed of the proper way. Here’s how you can get rid of electronics safely.
Go To a Hazardous Waste Facility
Since a lot of electronics contain materials that aren’t safe for the environment, you shouldn’t — and often can’t — just put them out on the curb for your everyday trash collector to pick up. Instead, find a hazardous waste facility to take your electronics back so they can be properly disposed of.
Find a Trade-In Program
A great way to safely get rid of your electronics, and make a little money in the process, is by trading them in. Many trade-in stores or programs will give you a credit or cash in exchange for your electronics that they can sell themselves.
Find a Recycling Program
Many electronic stores will have a recycling program that encourages people to giv back their unwanted electronics. While most take anything from old batteries to televisions, just give them a call to make sure they accept what you’re planning on dropping off.
Sell Your Old Electronics
Just because you don’t want a laptop or cellphone, it doesn’t mean someone else won’t. Try selling your old electronics online or to friends — just make sure to completely wipe your personal information from the devices first.
Donate Your Devices
If you’re just upgrading to a new version of your device, but your current models are in good shape, consider donating them. There are plenty of charities and non-profit organizations who would appreciate gaining a new computer to help with their operations.
For all your electrical needs in Suffolk County, give the experts at TFC Electric a call! With over 24 years of experience, we have the knowledge and skills needs to get your home’s electrical system up to code and completely safe.