Fall Yard Safety Tips


Fall is officially here! The crisp air is headed our way and with it comes the beautiful changing of the leaves, and of course the fall yard clean up. As you begin to rake the day away and get your yard post-summer ready, here’s the few safety tips you should keep in mind to prevent any autumn mishaps.

Check Your Extension Cords

Extension cords have a variety of purposes, and not all are meant to power the same equipment. Whether you are purchasing power cords for your fall clean up or placing them away from your summertime yard use, don’t forget to double check them. Look for wear and tear and check the wattage to make sure it’s compatible for outdoor use. Extension cords should never be a long-term fix, and they should never be left outdoors overnight.

Safe and Secure

Weedwackers, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, oh my! The major cleanup is about to take away and thought you might be busy — you should never be too busy to put them away correctly. If you live in a home with children, keep all lawn equipment stored and secured out of their reach. Never leave them plugged in and be sure to wrap up all wires after use. It’s never a bad thing to be extra cautious.

Cover Your Outdoor Outlets

As summer has ended and your use of outside power is no longer in such high demand, you’ll want to double check your outlets. All outdoor outlets should be adequately covered, even when being used. By code, all your outdoor outlets should be ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to prevent you from electric shock. If you are unsure if your outdoor electric is up to code, schedule an electrical inspection today.
At TFC Electric, we provide 24/7 emergency electrical services to homes and business in Suffolk County, Long Island. If you have any type of power disruption, water or fire damage, or any other troubleshooting issue that needs to be fixed immediately, our trained technicians are available. Call us anytime at (631) 589-2800.

September 24, 2017