
Electrical Safety Tips for the Dog Days of Summer

The summer is the perfect time for your kids to enjoy nature. Before you let them frolic in the great outdoors, it’s good to go over a few ground rules with them. Here are some great summer electrical safety tips to ensure their safety.
It’s Not the Climb 
Kids love to climb.  However, children should not climb utility poles. It can be extremely dangerous and hazardous to your health when the power lines are active. Stay far away from power lines that are down and report it to the local authorities.
Tread the Water
Some kids can spend countless hours in the pool on a hot summer’s day. Make sure your kids know the dangers of using an electrical appliance while in the pool. Touching an electrical appliance while still in the pool or wet could end in electrocution.
When It Rains, It Pours
Long Island is not a stranger to storms. Lightning is extremely dangerous; especially when you are in the pool. Teach your kids to get out of the pool immediately if there is a storm brewing on the horizon. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Should you experience any electrical issues at your home this summer, do not hesitate to give us a call. Electrical emergencies can strike at any time of day, which is why we are available 24/7. Give us a call at 631-589-2800 to service all your electrical needs!
Image courtesy of phasinphoto, via
August 8, 2014