Electrical Issues That Will Ruin Your Resale Value

Whether it’s your first time or you’re going onto your fourth house, selling your home can be a stressful process. Between finding a buyer, doing all the paperwork, and preparing to move into your new home, you have a lot to worry about. We’re sorry to add it to the list, but there’s something else you should take concern over — your electrical system.

Certain electrical issues can ruin your resale value of your home, leading to your getting less money for your home or your home not being purchased at all. Luckily, all of these issues can be fixed so you have a smooth buying process.

Old Wiring Systems

If you haven’t updated your wiring system in a while, you’re putting your home at risk of fires — something new buyers won’t take lightly. You should update your wiring and make sure your system is properly grounded to avoid any safety issues.

Inadequate Service

Especially if you have an older home, your electrical system may not be properly equipped enough to handle today’s power needs. That can lead to power shorts and outages as well as higher electricity bills. No buyer is going to want to deal with that.

Outlet Issues

If the majority of the outlets in your home are two-pronged ones, you need to replace and update them. Two-pronged outlets aren’t properly grounded, not to mention, most electronics use three-pronged plugs nowadays.

Your resale value will also decreased if you don’t have enough outlets in your home. You should have multiple, three-pronged outlets in each room, especially bedrooms and bathrooms, that are in convenient locations.

Bad Circuit Panels

If your home’s circuit panel is outdated, improperly sized, or poorly repaired, you’re going to have a hard time convincing someone to purchase your home. Before putting your home on the market, you should update your circuit panel.

For help getting your home ready for resale, give the experts at TFC Electric a call! With over 24 years of experience, we have the knowledge and skills needs to get your home’s electrical system up to code and completely safe.

January 15, 2019