
How to Protect Your Home While You’re on Vacation

No matter what time of year it is, it’s always exciting to pack your things and head out on a vacation. However, even if you’re only going to be away for a few days, you’ll want to take some time to make sure that your home is prepared for your absence without having it appear like you’ve actually left – making it obvious that you’re gone is an open invitation for intruders.

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If you have a vacation coming up in the near future, here are a few things you can do to keep your Long Island home safe and protected:

Be strategic with your mail.
When your mailbox is overflowing and newspapers are piling up on your front porch, people who pass by will get the hint that no one’s home. So, either head to your post office before you leave and request that they hold your mail, or have a neighbor take your mail in for you each day.

Don’t post on social media.
People like to share everything about their lives on social media these days, but you’ll want to keep your vacation plans private – remember, your family and your friends aren’t the only ones who could potentially see your updates.

Take in all spare keys.
Have a spare key hidden under your doormat or in a flower pot? Take it in and put it away until you return. If you have someone who will be coming over to feed your pets, take in the mail, or to simply check in, give them a key beforehand so that you don’t have to leave one outside.

Keep a car in the driveway.
Even if you’ll be taking your car(s) with you, you’ll want to have another one parked in your driveway while you’re gone. One approach is to ask a neighbor who has multiple cars to use your driveway for the week or two that you’re gone.

Set timers.
A house that has no inside or outside lights on when it’s dark out can seem suspicious, so you’ll want to install lighting both indoors and outdoors that will turn on when you want it to. There are tons of different options (everything from setting specific times to timers that recognize when the sun goes down), so you’ll just need to choose a product that you feel comfortable with.

Last but not least, don’t forget to leave some emergency contact information with a family member, friend, or neighbor in case your home requires immediate attention while you’re gone – for example, leave them with the number of your electrician in case of an electrical emergency!

For those of you in Suffolk County, New York, you can count on the team here at TFC Electric Inc. to take care of all your electric needs regardless of when you call – we’re available 24 hours a day! To get in touch with us, just call (631) 589-2800.

August 17, 2016