Summer Electrical Safety Tips

tfc electric reviewsSummer is officially here on Long Island!  As you start spending your weekends swimming, BBQing and enjoying your yard — don’t forget to do it safely!  So as the weather begins to warm up, here are just a few summer electrical tips that can help you and your family have a safe and enjoyable summer.

Think Location, Location, Location.

To avoid any summer electrical mishaps, you should always know where your circuit breakers and electrical switches are located.  All wires and boxes should be a fixed distance away from water, and any electrical cords used outdoors should be labeled as such. Whenever possible, use battery operated devices instead of corded appliances, and be sure to keep your pool well lit at night to avoid any accidents.

Check The Weather.

Electricity and water are not something you want to mess around with.  Avoid swimming if lightning is in the forecast and refrain from using any corded power tools in the rain. It’s always good to discuss and outline an emergency plan with your family. A well thought out plan will ensure that your family will be prepared for any electrical emergency.   

Don’t Forget to Inspect.

It’s not too late to have a certified electrician check your outdoor wiring. An electrician can look over all wiring associated with your pool, hot tub or outdoor outlets to make sure that everything is up to code. To avoid any little issues from becoming big ones — proceed with any recommended upgrade or repairs.


At TFC Electric Inc. we always want to stress the importance of electrical safety. In the unfortunate event of an electrical emergency, are experts are available 24 hours a day in Suffolk County, New York. Call us at (631) 589-2800 or contact us online.

June 21, 2017